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More than 2,000 participants from Taglit Birthright Israel programs gathered on Monday June 24th for a vibrant gala event in central Israel, marking the pinnacle of the organization’s summer experiences. The Taglit Birthright Israel Mega Event, held at the Mini Israel Park in Latrun, stood in solidarity with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and remembered the hostages still held captive.

The event also underscored Birthright Israel’s ongoing commitment to fostering connections between global Jewish communities and strengthening the State of Israel.

The evening featured a lineup of talented performers, including:

Gidi Mark, CEO of Taglit Birthright Israel, opened the ceremony with a moment of silence to honor the program’s 13 alumni who lost their lives – either at the hands of Hamas terrorists at the Nova music festival or defending lives during the Black Shabbat.

“Nearly every young Jew visiting Israel since the October 7th events has come through Taglit Birthright Israel,” Mark highlighted. “This summer, almost 15,000 young Jews will visit Israel, and we should not overlook this opportunity. Birthright Israel aims for participants to connect with Jewish peers; take pride in Judaism; deepen their understanding of Israel and themselves; and forge lasting friendships.”

Taglit Birthright Israel, Mark emphasized, is dedicated to fostering connections among Jewish peers, igniting pride in Judaism, deepening self-discovery and understanding of Israel, and building enduring friendships. He concluded by reiterating, “no matter what, we will never give up on our unity and support for one another.”

When young Jews fall in love with Israel and its people, our future can be transformed.
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