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Classic 10-Day Trip

Discover Israel. Discover yourself.

Our ten -day trips give Jewish young adults between the ages of 18 and 26 the opportunity to fall in love with Israel, and in the process, strengthen the bond between themselves and their Jewish homeland, their fellow Jews from all over the world, and their own identity. These trips are educational, enriching, powerfully emotional — and fun! Participants discover the Israel of antiquity, with visits to ancient landmarks of Jewish presence and activity, through to the high-tech and cosmopolitan democracy that Israel is today. Our educational platform bridges yesterday and today.


One of the most meaningful aspects of this educational journey is the Mifgash, (Hebrew for encounter) between trip participants and their Israeli peers (usually from the Israeli Defense Force) who join each group. The impact of these encounters goes both ways: travelers learn about ancestral, as well as, daily life in Israel and the commitment it requires to sustain it. The Israeli participants take away a renewed sense of pride and motivation, in addition to an understanding of the Jewish community outside of Israel. There is no better way to connect with one’s heritage. While other trips require you to leave home, a Taglit-Birthright Israel trip is a return home.

72% of Argentinian participants

marry a Jewish spouse.

72% of former participants

from France lead a Jewish life.

70% of Australian participants

feel more connected to their Jewish identity, to Israel and to the Jewish people.

Hear it from our alumni
Hear it from our alumni

I grew up without knowing my Jewish roots. I had no connection to my past. Thanks to Birthright I was given the opportunity to acknowledge and be proud of who I am and discover my roots. It means the world to me.

Daniella Polevoy, Vancouver, summer 2021
Help us build a stronger future for Jewish people everywhere by supporting Birthright Israel

Every love story between Israel and the Jewish people is a treasure in itself

Be a part of creating more treasures

Night Under the Stars

Gives a participant a night under the stars in a Bedouin tent

$ 150

Shabbat Experience

Gives a participant an authentic Shabbat experience with Israeli families in the heart of Jerusalem

$ 600

Fund a participant

Gives a participant a life-changing trip

$ 4500

When young Jews fall in love with Israel and its people, our future can be transformed.
Help us give this gift of love

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