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Taglit Birthright Israel's Story
A love for new friendships, a love for Israel, a love for community, a love for the Jewish people. When young Jews visit Israel, their lives change forever.
Back in 1999, when we sent our first group of Jewish young adults from 11 countries to Israel to deepen their connection to their Jewish identity, we knew our mission was important to the future of our people. What we didn’t anticipate was how many lives we would change over the course of the following decades — not only the lives of global participants, but also those of the Israelis they met and bonded with. Our story is a love story between Jews and their homeland, their Jewish brothers and sisters, and their own heritage and culture…and new pages are written with every trip we provide.
Classic 10-Day Trip
Accessibility and Inclusion
Birthright Israel Excel
Birthright Israel Onward
United Kingdom
United States

For 23 years, Birthright Israel has been able to give hundreds of thousands of Jews from the U.S. the opportunity to claim their birthright on a life-changing trip to Israel. Participants return home feeling proud to be Jewish, more connected to Israel and excited to find their place in their local Jewish community. Read more