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We’re all Jewish. But we’re not all the same.

Lasting from five to ten days, the Mifgash (Hebrew word for ‘encounter’) is when young adult Israelis join their visiting peers from abroad as they travel around Israel together aboard the Birthright Israel bus. A cornerstone of our educational program since the very beginning, the Mifgash offers many formal and informal opportunities for building friendships, examining different perspectives, and exploring shared ideas and values. The Mifgash gives Israelis a chance to learn about Jewish life outside of Israel, and it gives the visitor a look at life in Israel as experienced by their Israeli peers.


With 8,000 Israeli participants each year (and a total of 120,000 so far), the Mifgash seeks to strengthen the Jewish identity, connection to Israel, and Zionism of both Birthright Israel participants from around the world and their new Israeli friends. When you strengthen the bond, you strengthen the love. In allowing all participants to learn about each other’s day-to-day experiences and exposing them to different expressions of Jewishness, the vital importance of the connection between Israel and the Diaspora becomes clear.

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Over 83% of Mifgash participants

felt that the global participants helped them understand the life of Jewish people in other countries.

Over 70% responded that the trip

made them feel proud to be Israeli, proud of the State of Israel, and proud to be Jewish.

Over 75% responded that the experience

made them think about their Jewish identity.

Hören Sie es von einem unserer Alumni
Hören Sie es von einem unserer Alumni

In der Armee war ich Offizier, Oberleutnant im Nahal-Aufklärungsbataillon. Zu Taglit kam ich durch den Vorschlag eines Freundes, dem ich bis heute dankbar bin. Ich kann nicht beschreiben, wie schnell sich das Gefühl, wie unterschiedlich wir sind, in ein Gefühl der Gemeinsamkeit verwandelte. Es ist ein gemeinsamer Nenner, der größer ist als wir. Ich war verblüfft, wie nahe ich mich diesen Menschen in so kurzer Zeit fühlte. Und dann kommt dieses Projekt daher und zeigt dir: Sieh, all die guten Dinge sind dort wo du lebst.

Matan, Israel
Schenken Sie einem Israeli die Teilnahme an Taglit-Birthright

Every love story between Israel and the Jewish people is a treasure in itself

Be a part of creating more treasures

Israelis on Onward

Cost per week of an Israeli peer on Onward

$ 150

Israelis on a Classic Trip

Gives an Israeli participant a life changing experience

$ 220

Israelis on Excel

Gives an Israeli the experience of Excel

$ 1500

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