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Birthright Israël Excel

10-week internship. Lifelong Learning

For  Jewish young adults interested in business and entrepreneurship, we offer Birthright Israel Excel, a 10-week summer internship with a leading Israeli startup or an established global company. Upon completing this rigorous internship, participants become lifelong Excel fellows, with access to professional mentorship and connections with Israeli business leaders, professional development workshops and lectures given by the innovative business visionaries who are forging Israel’s bright future.


Birthright Israel Excel builds strong and long-lasting business, personal and philanthropic relationships between Jewish young adults in Israel and abroad. Since 2011, more than 1100 participants have taken part in this prestigious and competitive program. With a 7% acceptance rate, each year the program builds relationships between approximately 50 fellows and mentors from some of the leading technology and finance companies in the world.

1100+ participants

have taken part in Excel since 2011.

71% of Excel Fellows participate or volunteer

in at least one Jewish organization in their community.

55% of Excel Fellows

have returned to Israel since their Excel Summer Fellowship.

Every year Excel participants

intern at 110 different companies.

Écoutez les témoignages de nos anciens participants
Écoutez les témoignages de nos anciens participants

C’est ce qui le rend si puissant… avoir ce réseau de qualité qui s’étend à travers les industries, les âges, les pays, cela fait toute la différence. Donc, en résumé, je pense que c’est un privilège de faire partie de cette communauté et je suis tellement reconnaissante d’en avoir fait et de continuer à en faire partie.

Hanna Frankl, Stage chez Microsoft Ventures, Birthright Israël Excel, 2015
Participez à cet impact en soutenant une bourse Excel.

Every love story between Israel and the Jewish people is a treasure in itself

Be a part of creating more treasures

Israelis on Excel

Cost per week of an Israeli peer on Excel

$ 250

Shabbat Experience

Gives a participant an authentic Shabbat experience with Israeli families in the heart of Jerusalem

$ 500

Fund a participant

Gives a participant a life-changing trip

$ 10000

Lorsque de jeunes Juifs tombent amoureux d'Israël et de son peuple, notre avenir peut être transformé.
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